Inguinal hernia is one of the most common types of hernia. The canals in the inguinal region may be in a weak structure in some people due to congenital causes and in others due to later reasons. Weak channels cause organs to hang out of their position. Swelling is one of the most obvious symptoms of this condition, which is called inguinal hernia . Some patients experience pain along with swelling.
is possible to talk about different types of inguinal hernia according to the places of formation. There are three types of hernia such as direct inguinal hernia, indirect inguinal hernia, and femoral hernia. A direct inguinal hernia is bilateral and occurs through the abdominal wall. Indirect inguinal hernia is a type of hernia that occurs through the inguinal canal. Those formed by passing through the opening called the femoral ring are called femoral hernias. This type is more common in women.
How Is Inguinal Hernia Surgery Performed? During
inguinal hernia surgery , surgical material called patch is used. In open operations, the patch is placed on the fascia tissue, while in closed operations, it is applied to the intra-abdominal tissue. The patch placed in the abdomen is more advantageous in terms of the comfort of the patient after the operation. In the patch placed on the fascia tissue; Tearing or slippage may occur when the patient coughs, strains, or lifts heavy. Therefore, closed inguinal hernia surgery is much more advantageous for the patient.
Differences Between Open and Closed Inguinal Hernia Surgery
Open and closed inguinal hernia surgery is different from each other in terms of the benefits it provides to the patient and the physician. Over time, laparoscopic surgeries have taken the place of open surgeries, which have been practiced for years. In the laparoscopic method, the abdomen is reached through a very small incision made from the abdomen. In open operations, the incision sizes are larger. At the same time, the recovery time is longer. After laparoscopic inguinal hernia operation, the patient recovers in a shorter time and the probability of recurrence of the disease is reduced.
Things to Consider After Inguinal Hernia Surgery After
laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery , the patient has some things to do to speed up the healing process. Some of those; not to lift heavy, not to do difficult exercises and not to strain. To get rid of your inguinal hernia problem with regular follow-up and control after a comfortable operation process, General Surgeon Op. Dr. You can reach Özhan Çetindağ