Ingrown hair, which is one of the health problems generally seen in men, affects young men under the age of 30. This condition, which is a skin disease, occurs in the hair shaft under the skin. Ingrown hairs that usually develop between the buttocks can be confused with a pimple or lesion. However, as the amount of hair in the area where ingrown hair increases, abscess may develop and this may cause symptoms that may negatively affect daily life. While abscess development can be prevented with drug treatments in the initial stages, surgical interventions may be needed if ingrown hairs progress.

Ingrown hair; May cause symptoms such as local pain, swelling or itching. If you experience symptoms of ingrown hair, a healthcare professional should be consulted without neglecting this situation. This situation, which is usually examined by the general surgery unit, should be evaluated. If necessary, treatments for ingrown hairs should be applied.

What is Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hair is a skin condition called “pilonidal sinus” in the medical world. This condition, which occurs especially in the sacral region between the hips, occurs in areas where hair grows. Ingrown hairs can become an uncomfortable problem as the hair follicles, which need to continue their development through the skin, sink under the skin and cause inflammation over a long period of time. Ingrown hairs, which cause symptoms such as local pain or redness, may develop due to different reasons.

Ingrown hairs most oftenly develop in the area between the buttocks or near the anus. However, some people may also experience ingrown hairs in the armpit, belly or groin area.

Ingrown hairs often become painful due to inflammation and infection. Treatment may include controlling the infection and removing the ingrown hair completely. Treatment options include surgery, use of antibiotics to control inflammation, and local care measures. Surgical intervention is among the recommended treatment methods to reduce the risk of recurrence of ingrown hair.

What Causes Ingrown Hair?

Ingrown hair develops as a result of the hair piercing the skin and settling under the skin. The basis of this condition, which is frequently encountered in the coccyx region, is the dense hair structure found in the region. Wearing tight trousers can increase the amount of ingrown hair that develops in the coccyx. Tight clothing that increases friction and pressure in the area can cause hairs to sink under the skin. Activities such as sitting for long periods of time and doing strenuous sports such as weight lifting can also cause ingrown hairs as they can increase regional pressure. Ingrown hairs are one of the more common conditions in overweight people.

In addition to clothing and physical activities, genetic predisposition may be one of the causes of ingrown hair. Individuals with a family history of ingrown hairs have a higher risk of experiencing ingrown hairs.

Losing or shaving hair in the back or sacral area can also result in ingrown hairs.

Another main cause of ingrown hair is the development of abscess or inflammation at the base of the hair follicle. Hair accumulation in the crack area as a result of small cracks in the anal area can also lead to ingrown hairs.

What are the symptoms of ingrown hair?

In order for ingrown hair disease to cause symptoms, a cyst structure must develop under the skin. Accumulation of skin wastes within the cyst structure and if these wastes cannot be removed, inflammation occurs and various symptoms occur. At first, people may think that ingrown hairs are acne. However, symptoms that worsen over time may indicate that this condition is more serious than thought. The symptoms that can be observed in the area where swelling develops with ingrown hair are as follows:

  • Pain
  • Burning sensation
  • Intense itching
  • Inflammation discharge

How is Ingrown Hair Diagnosed?

Ingrown hair is a condition that can be understood by examining the complaints. Especially in cases where it occurs between the buttocks, complaints of itching and swelling in the area may be sufficient to diagnose pilonidal sinus. After an anal examination performed by an experienced doctor, the diagnosis of ingrown hair can be made definitively.

To understand the size and severity of ingrown hairs; Imaging techniques such as MRI, ultrasound and x-ray can be used.

What are the Treatment Methods for Ingrown Hair?

Treatment for ingrown hairs varies depending on the stage of the disease. Individuals who are in the initial stages can get rid of the ingrown hair problem by doing local care and special baths. In addition to these applications, methods such as epilation and crystallized phenol application can also be applied as early intervention. It is possible to regress ingrown hairs with only epilation and local care before inflammation develops. In some cases, inflammation in the area can be prevented by using antibiotic drugs.

However, if the problem deepens and symptoms begin to appear, it may be necessary to clean the hair and remove the sinuses with local anesthesia. Hairs and sinuses can be cleaned by microsinusectomy or crystallized phenol application. Both methods are easily applied treatments that do not require hospitalization.

In cases where ingrown hair reaches more serious levels, ingrown hair surgery becomes necessary. Ingrown hair surgery, which is one of the types of surgery that requires expertise, should be a method used as a last resort. If surgery is resorted to in the early stages, unnecessary surgical wounds may complicate the healing process and may have a more serious impact on people’s daily lives.

If the ingrown hair is not at a level that can be treated and the doctor deems it appropriate, ingrown hair surgery is performed. Surgery removes the diseased tissue. As a result of this procedure, which requires stitches, skin cracking or tension may occur. This may cause new sinuses to form. Although pilonidal sinus surgery creates a perception in society as a simple surgery, it is an operation that is extremely important to be performed by a specialist in order for the healing process to be successful

What should be taken into consideration after pilonidal sinus surgery?

Things to consider after ingrown hair surgery are important to ensure successful recovery from the surgery and prevention of complications. Wound care is the first thing to be considered after surgery. It is very important to keep the surgical wound area clean and dry. The instructions given by the doctor should be followed and the wound should be covered with a sterile bandage. How often the bandage needs to be changed will be determined by the doctor.

Various medications may be prescribed to reduce pain or infection after surgery. Medicines should be used as recommended. If medications cause any side effects, a doctor should be consulted.

It may be necessary to pay attention to the sleeping position for a certain period of time after the surgery. The doctor may want you to lie on your back or maintain certain positions. Physical movements and lying positions can support wound healing.

Especially after surgeries performed in the coccyx area, attention should be paid to the diet in order to continue going to the toilet comfortably. Constipation problems can be prevented by paying attention to the consumption of fibrous foods. Ensuring daily protein intake as needed can positively affect the wound healing process. It is recommended to avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption after surgery.

The post-operative recovery process may vary from person to person. Paying attention to doctor recommendations and instructions can speed up the healing process and prevent complications.

Can Ingrown Hairs Recur After Treatment?

After professional treatment, ingrown hair is not usually a recurring condition. However, it is recommended that people act as carefully as possible in order to prevent a possible negative scenario. Some daily activities may be taken into consideration to prevent regional pressure or friction.